


1. complaint handling

  • complainants can submit a complaint to the relevant authorities, such as the customs authorities, the tax authorities, or the relevant government departments.
  • complainants should provide relevant documents and information to support their claims.

2. investigation

  • the relevant authorities will investigate the complaint and gather relevant documents and information.
  • the investigation may involve interviews with the complainants, the vessel owners, and other relevant parties.

3. assessment

  • the relevant authorities will assess the complaint and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim.
  • the assessment may involve reviewing the vessel's documentation, the cargo manifest, and other relevant documents.

4. decision

  • if the relevant authorities find sufficient evidence to support the claim, they will issue a decision.
  • the decision may be in the form of a fine, a confiscation order, or a suspension of the vessel's registration.

5. appeal

  • if the complainants are not satisfied with the decision, they can appeal the decision to a higher authority within the relevant authorities.
  • the appeal process may involve providing additional evidence or arguments to support the complainants' claims.

6. enforcement

  • if the relevant authorities find that the appeal decision is valid, they will enforce the decision and take appropriate enforcement actions.
  • the enforcement actions may include seizing the vessel, imposing fines, or suspending its registration.

7. post-enforcement review

  • the relevant authorities may conduct a post-enforcement review to ensure that the vessel is complying with the relevant laws and regulations.

8. communication

  • throughout the dispute resolution process, the relevant authorities will communicate with the complainants and provide updates on the progress of their case.