


  • 1 piece of felt (any color or pattern)
  • 1 piece of yarn or twine
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 glue stick


  1. Cut the felt into a rectangle that is 12 inches long and 6 inches wide.
  2. Fold the edges of the felt together and sew them in place.
  3. Cut the yarn or twine to a length of 24 inches.
  4. Tie the yarn or twine to the center of the felt rectangle.
  5. Wrap the yarn or twine around the edges of the felt rectangle, leaving a 6-inch opening at the top.
  6. Glue the opening shut.
  7. Cut a piece of felt that is 12 inches long and 2 inches wide.
  8. Fold the felt in half lengthwise and sew the edges together.
  9. Attach the two pieces of felt together with a glue stick.
  10. Hang the finished product from a hook or nail.


  • Use different colors of felt and yarn or twine to create a unique pattern.
  • Add beads, sequins, or other embellishments to the center of the felt rectangle.
  • Make several of these decorations and arrange them in a circle or cluster.
  • Hang them from a chandelier or over a fireplace.