

  1. seller advertise their car on the market.
  2. buyer search for cars on the market.
  3. buyer contact seller to negotiate the price.
  4. seller accepts or rejects the buyer's offer.
  5. buyer and seller meet at the market to complete the sale.

Additional details:

  • The market is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.
  • The market is divided into several sections, each specializing in different types of vehicles.
  • The market is a cash-only market, and the seller does not accept credit cards.
  • The market is a competitive environment, and sellers are often willing to negotiate with buyers.

Tips for buyers:

  • Come prepared with a list of the vehicles you are interested in and the price range you are willing to pay.
  • Be respectful of the seller and their time.
  • Negotiate the price carefully, and be willing to walk away if the seller is unwilling to meet your offer.
  • Bring a trusted friend or family member to help you negotiate and protect your interests.