

装载机配件编码是用于识别和追踪装载机配件的唯一编码。它通常由 manufacturer 或 distributor 提供,用于确保配件的兼容性和安全性。


  • Manufacturer websites:
    • Many manufacturers have a dedicated page on their website where they list all the parts and accessories they offer.
    • You can also find this information in the product catalog or on the product website.
  • Distributor websites:
    • Distributors often have a website where they sell their products.
    • You can also find this information on the distributor's website or in the product catalog.
  • Online databases:
    • There are a few online databases that list parts and accessories for loading docks and conveyor systems.
    • Some of these databases include the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Parts Master database, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Global Parts Master database, and the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 62063 database.
  • Manufacturer support:
    • If you are a customer of a manufacturer, you can contact their support team for assistance.
    • They may be able to provide you with a list of approved parts and accessories.


  1. 搜索 manufacturer websites。
  2. 搜索 distributor websites。
  3. 搜索在线数据库。
  4. 联系制造商支持。

